Sunday, June 14, 2020

HCM Attribute: Emotionality (4 of 6) - Never forget to take into account "Emotions" when designing any market campaign.

Another Human Centric Marketing attribute is Emotionality. People who can connect emotionally with others to drive their actions are very powerful influencers. Brand that evoke emotions can drive favorable customers actions. They connect with customers on as emotional level with inspirational messages. Sometimes, the brands also connect with customers by showing off their humorous side. As you may guess by now - Emotions in marketing is very important issue to take into account when planning any type of campaign.
Dove is a brand with strong emotionality. A humanized brand, Dove address the issue of self-esteem among women by encouraging women to love themselves and appreciate their real beauty. With a massive campaign lasting over a decade, Dove has managed to connect emotionally with women worldwide.

Doritos provides a different example with its SuperBowl 50 "Ultrasound" advertisement, which portrays a pregnant woman who is having a ultrasound while her husband is eating a bag of Doritos. The advertisement ends with the baby shooting out of the womb to get some Doritos. The advertisement turns our to be polarizing; some people consider it hilarious while others see it as disgusting. Nevertheless, a facial tracking technology reveals that the advertisement is the most emotionally engaging, even though the emotions it provokes are mixed

Human Centric Marketing (HCM)

HCM Attribute: Phisicality (1 of 6)

HCM Attribute: Intellectuality (2 of 6)

HCM Attribute: Sociability (3 of 6).

HCM Attribute: Emotionality (4 of 6).

HCM Attribute: Personability (5 of 6).

HCM Attribute: Morality (6 of 6).

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