Thursday, June 4, 2020

Case Study - Harley Davidson - Power of marketing.

Harley-Davidson is more than just a motorbike, a Harley-Davidson comes with a lifestyle, but how do you sell a lifestyle on a 30-minute test ride? And so 24-hour test rides were born. Here was a study case that can show you the power of marketing. You will see the metrics of this study, one of the best things about online marketing is you can see all the data and measure your results very precisely and effectively, if you hire someone to do online marketing for you, that person should be able to send you reports to tell you how the actions is performing towards your advertising goals.

Location: Australia.
The challenge: Harley-Davidson wanted to lift sales for its touring range of motorbikes and create audience-engaging content.
Target audience: Customers and potential customers of Harley-Davidson motorbikes.

To launch 24-hour test rides, the agency created the end sequence to a short film where a man wakes up with a Harley. They then invited young film-makers to view the film online, and challenged them to show how the film begins.
● This resulted in multiple films being made, all with different beginnings, but all leading to one common ending.
● The agency then staged ‘The Open Road Film Festival’ event. This was a public screening of the top eight films. The event took place at The Bucket List, a popular nightspot in Australia’s legendary Bondi Beach area, and attracted a vast audience including many of Australia’s own film celebrities.
● The festival was featured online where thousands of viewers across Australia and New Zealand watched and voted for their favourite films. Prizes were awarded to film-makers and voters, including a Harley-Davidson Iron 883 and much-desired Canon cameras and equipment.
● Inspired by the Harley adventures in these films, many film viewers went on to join a waiting list for 24-hour test rides.
● The campaign generated far more interaction than anyone had anticipated or hoped for and, importantly, met the brief of: 1) getting branded content created by film-makers that brought to life the excitement of owning a Harley through dramatizing what could happen with a Harley in 24 hours; 2) lifting the sales of the touring bike range.

Here is the metrics I talked about before - Results:
59,383: number of site visits over the festival and campaign period.
41,340: number of unique site visits.
33,072: total number of collective minutes spent on the site.
10,599: total number of views of the top eight films.
171: number of film-makers who signed up for film tips from Gregor Jordan and Bryan Brown.
65: number of film-script submissions and grant applications.
25: number of finished films uploaded.
43 per cent sales uplift: the campaign contributed to a 43 per cent sales uplift for touring models during the campaign period versus the exact same period of the previous year. A resounding success.

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