Thursday, February 25, 2021

Would you hire someone to work remotely? Just don’t answer yet, at least not before reading this article.

Perhaps you did not consider why so many people would prefer to work remotely, if is that so just give a glimpse of the graphic showed to verify the reasons. Now that you saw the reasons, why would you not improve the quality of your employee life by letting him work from home if it will not decrease the quality or performance of the work?

As long as you can assure the good performance and quality of the work, there will be no problem. Right? One way of doing this deal is to structure the payment, in fact there how so many people are getting pay based on contract and deliverables.

 In many countries where the employer is responsible for the employee in many ways that is even better to outsource the job and avoid responsibility, and if the job is not done satisfactorily you can just look for the competitor to provide the same job.

 In fact this is how many business hire their online advertising, while they are having good results they keep paying for the service. The one who is doing the job is doing from a distance and perhaps as business owner himself he is keeping the eye on the market and updating himself to maintain his performance of delivering a good service.

 This is a win/win situation that is worth considering.

Now if you will, please answer the question on the title of this post on the comments below.

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