Monday, January 4, 2021

Publicity: Investment or expense ?

Some people keep their publicity budget running all the time while other only make advertisement when they feel sales are dropping. Free publicity is not something that all of us can be lucky to have like Nash on the story below but even today when we manage to put website free of cost it still have its costs of time and effort to make it happen...

Perhaps you are better off hiring someone to do it for you 

During the World War a man by the name of Arthur Nash, a Cincinnati merchant tailor, who had taken his employees into business with him and had given them a part of the profits because his business was on the rocks and he saw no other way of saving it from bankruptcy. I went to Cincinnati, interviewed Nash, and wrote the first story about him. In my story I called him ‘‘Golden Rule’’ Nash. The story was taken up by the newspapers and magazines of the country and he received free publicity for more than 5 years. When he died a dozen years later, he was a wealthy man and his business was among the more successful of its type. 

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