Monday, July 13, 2020

What is Digital strategy anyway ?

This is perhaps best answered with another question. Can you tell in one sentence what you will be trying to achieve over the coming years? If not, then you don’t have a strategy. If you can articulate that but you don’t know how to get from where you are to your end vision, then you don’t have a strategy either.

If you have a vision and a path to get there then you have a strategy but if that is not based on research, bought into by your leadership team and with clear deliverables then your strategy will almost certainly not be a success.

If you were to Google the word ‘strategy’ you would find definitions such as ‘A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim’ ( and ‘A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem’ ( Both of these definitions are of course true, but we need to look into the area of digital marketing and incorporate some of the following ideas on the context to a strategy that is robust, and aligned with your business

 Core areas:

● understand what is possible;

● understand your business and market context;

● understand your customer;

● understand the potential challenges you face;

● plan your strategy for optimal delivery;

● understand the possibilities within the relevant digital channels and touch points;

● measure and evolve your strategy.

Here is another article that nicely talks about 5 rules of digital strategy.

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