Sunday, July 5, 2020


Writing "market-ing" instead of "marketing" suggest  that marketing is about dealing with the ever changing market ,and that to understand cutting-edge marketing, we should understand how the market has been evolving in recent years.
The clues and trends are there for us to see. A new breed of customer, the one that will be the majority in the near future, is emerging globally — young, urban, middle-class with strong mobility and connectivity. While the mature markets are dealing with an aging population, the emerging market is enjoying the demographic dividend of a younger, more productive population. They are not only young, they are also rapidly migrating to urban areas and embracing a big-city lifestyle. 

The majority of them are in the middle class or above and thus have a sizable income to spend. Moving up from a lower socio economic status, they aspire to accomplish greater goals, experience finer things, and emulate behaviors of people in higher classes. These traits make them a compelling market for marketers to pursue.

But what distinguishes this new type of customer from other markets we have seen before is their tendency to be mobile. They move around a lot, often commute, and live life at a faster pace. Everything should be instant and time-efficient. 

When they are interested in things they see on television, they search for them on their mobile devices. When they are deciding whether to buy something in-store, they research price and quality online. Being digital natives, they can make purchase decisions any where and anytime, involving a wide range of devices. Despite their internet savvy, they love to experience things physically. They value high-touch engagement when interacting with brands. They are also very social; they communicate with and trust one another. In fact, they trust their network of friends and family more than they trust corporations and brands. In short, they are highly connected.

Connectivity is arguably the most important game changer in the history of marketing. Granted, it can no longer be considered a new buzzword, but it has been changing many facets of marketing and is not showing signs of slowing down.

That is why perhaps you should consider social media marketing or branding before running some ads, you will notice that running ads after having a well engaged audience before will bring a much better result on the budget invested in advertising

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