Sunday, July 26, 2020

How do you educate your prospects?

I copy this post on Linkedin from "Nathan Willard" mostly because I like this picture and he went precisely to the point...  He talks about educating your customers, and that is where social media posts comes in. If you have good website with posts and info about your product on your page, when you do the advertising your customer already is educated about your product from your pages and is more willing to pay the price you could justify in those earlier engagements, I refer this process by having a foundation before running ads...

When most of us go to buy something we usually don't know exactly what we need. We try to get informed. We may be acutely aware of the problem we're trying to solve, but sometimes we may not even understand what the real problem is. We could just feel the symptoms. We may have even convinced ourselves we need something, and it turns out that's not the solution at all. So we then find someone who we hope is going to be able to fix our problem, and we hope they take care of us.

But how will we know?

When a prospect comes to you, you need to educate them. And you need to do that in a way they'll understand. If you don't, and they can't tell why your solution is more valuable than another, they'll feel forced to shop on price. But in reality most people understand that quality products cost more. They are willing to pay more, if they can see the value. You have to show your value - that's good and ethical marketing.

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